Live Podcast: Daily Energy Markets
Monthly discussion of the global energy markets with participant Anish Kapadia
Live Podcast: Daily Energy Markets
As we head into Q1 2024, Anish discusses the state of the energy markets with a live podcast panel.
Live Podcast: Daily Energy Markets
Discussion of the current state of the energy markets at the end of the Q3 period with Anish Kapadia
BBC News Interview
BBC News gathers an expert panel to discuss the new oil and gas licences against the backdrop of the current climate change debate
Live Podcast: Daily Energy Markets
Anish takes part in a live podcast to discuss the Asian energy market news of the day
Oil & Gas Sector Interview
Anish discusses his views on the oil and gas sector in 2023 on CNBC Arabia
Handy energy saving tips in times of a cost-of-living crisis
FEB 2023 - iGLOBAL
Anish Kapadia talks about the current state of energy supply while offering some tips for consumers to save energy
BBC Radio Interview
Anish talks about Centica's Latest Profit Annoucement

Blue Star Helium ready to add carbon dioxide "cherry on top"
Anish Kapadia speaks to Proactive about independent helium exploration and production company Blue Star Helium
BBC Radio Helium Interview
Anish answers a simple question posed on National Radio. What is going on with Helium?

Palissy Questions Shell’s Ben Van Beurden on ESG Strategy
MAY 2022

Anish Kapadia
Anish Kapadia from Palissy Advisors. One of the things that stood out from the presentation, it's an ESG presentation, but is very intensive -- energy intensive in terms of emissions. And there's a whole spectrum of ESG. And one of the issues I wanted to focus on is looking at things actually from the other side though, you look at the industry, the lack of investment has gone into oil and gas over the last 5 years or so, the cutbacks in CapEx. It's one of the reasons behind the very high prices you're seeing in terms of oil and gas at the moment. And it's creating problems all around the world in terms of energy poverty.
You're seeing it even in the developed countries. But you've got people in the developing countries that have got to make a choice between switching away from actually dirtier fuels to cleaner fuels and you've got the economic consequences as well. So my question really is, how much are you thinking about the consequences of your actions of not investing enough in energy when we're clearly going to need a lot of fossil fuels over the coming decades.
Ben Van Beurden
Yes, it's a good question. It's very topical. Let me start and then see whether my colleagues want to add to it. I think, first of all, you're absolutely right. It -- there is a significant reduction in investment in oil and gas in the last few years. As a matter of fact, when I was speaking with Fatih Birol some time ago, and we talked about the IEA net-zero emissions scenario that came out a year ago. We both sort of said, well, a year on with this strategy or this scenario, we are roughly 2.5 years behind already because we have been traveling in the opposite direction. And as a matter of fact, the only thing that we agreed on was on track with the IEA net-zero scenario was the investment levels in oil and gas. And that's exactly the problem.
So the industry in terms of investing has done its piece, not necessarily because we took serious note of the scenario, but simply also because of the pandemic, because of all sorts of other pressures where we felt cash preservation and the direction the company needs to bring us to another place. I would imagine it will take some time for people to step up again investment in oil and gas. But it doesn't mean, by the way, that we are investing less in energy. We're just investing in different energy. So if I want to look at provision of secure, affordable and reliable energy in India, I'd much rather see what we can do with solar rather than to see can we bring more kerosene and diesel to India, and/or can we invest in the upstream, Wouldn't that be a great idea. So I think altogether, our investment levels on energy as such, are still intact. It's just that the portfolio is changing quite significantly.
But we need to make sure that, indeed, all that investment that we direct to these newer energy forms is also relatively evenly spread around the world. If we want to talk about reducing fuel poverty or energy poverty, not just in Northwest Europe, but also in the Africa and other parts of the world, we better make sure that some of our strategy very clearly focuses on investing in these areas as well. But I'd like to content that we are still investing as much in energy as before. It's just a different form. And I believe it is also a form that is strategically more advantaged in the future.
Oil Prices
MAR 2022 - CNBC Arabia
Anish discusses his views on oil prices on CNBC Arabia
AKAP Energy has launched the world’s first helium market data subscription service. Premium subscribers will get access to our website which has helium pricing and trade data updated on a timely basis, up to date news flow on the helium sector, listed helium companies stock prices and performance data, an annual supply & demand balance and forecasts, as well a discussion forum.
The offering includes a comprehensive quarterly helium report, which is the only report of its type available on the market. The publication contains proprietary data on global helium pricing and trade movements, as well as detailed market and company news flow. There is a large range of pricing data from the leading importers such as the EU, China, US South Korea, Japan, India and Taiwan as well as volumes imported from each of the key exporters: Qatar, US, Australia and Algeria.
We run through the main news articles for the month that impact near-term supply demand as well as longer-term trends. There is also company specific news flow and stock performance for the main participants in the helium sector as well as an overview of the listed companies in the sector. We also have our own bottoms up supply and demand forecasts for helium. The website can be found at Helium-consulting.com
AKAP Energy is focused on energy and helium markets, providing strategy and financial consulting advice to companies. The helium industry is a niche market with opaque data and one that suffers from a lack of detailed analysis. AKAP Energy has created a proprietary helium supply and demand balance and has completed a comprehensive analysis into helium pricing, where there is little easily accessible data given the lack of any relevant spot market and a paucity of published helium price benchmarks. Much of the data in the market at present is stale and has relied on extrapolated trends from outdated information. As a result, Anish has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the demand dynamics and created an exhaustive list of all the new potential supply sources.