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MAX Power Discovers High Natural H2 Concentrations at Rider, Sask.

MAX Power identified a promising natural hydrogen resource in southeast Saskatchewan, spread across 1,244km2 at the Rider Natural Hydrogen Project. This project, within the Torquay-Rocanville Corridor, features historical hydrogen showings with concentrations up to 96.4%. Two additional high-grade showings (88.3% and 75.6%) from the wellhead also occurred within 800m and 200m, respectively. High-priority targets suggest potential upward hydrogen migration through serpentinisation or fracture zones. With significant grades from historical wellhead tests and a strategic location, MAX Power aims to leverage proprietary methods and data modelling to advance exploration. Earlier in Jun'24, MAX Power announced a partnership with Chapman to explore natural hydrogen in the region. Currently, there are no other natural hydrogen focused projects in Saskatchewan.

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